Warning: This page contains spoilers for the April 8, 2024, game of Jeopardy! — please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Please note that the game airs as early as noon Eastern in some U.S. television markets.
Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the category Mythology) for Monday, April 8, 2024 (Season 40, Game 151):
A peasant who became the King of Phrygia created this intricate problem that was solved in 333 B.C.
(correct response beneath the contestants)
Today’s Jeopardy! contestants:
Andrew He, a stay-at-home dad from Concord, California![]() |
Victoria Groce, a writer & television personality from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania![]() |
Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California (1 win)![]() |
Andy’s Pregame Thoughts:
After a come-from-behind victory in Game 1 on Friday, Amy Schneider finds herself a win away from returning to Jeopardy! Masters, airing prime-time in ABC next month. However, I would not expect a second victory to be easy for Amy. Both Victoria Groce and Andrew He are more than capable of pulling out victories.
Remember, regular play, featuring defending champion Lucas Partridge, resumes as soon as this tournament finishes!
Another reminder that I have started a Sunday mailbag column where I answer fan & viewer questions regarding the show. If you have a question, feel free to send it to mailbag@thejeopardyfan.com!
If you’re looking for a quick rundown of what happened last week, I write a weekly recap column for Geeks Who Drink’s Questionist, released every Sunday. Yesterday’s column was titled “Off The Schneid”. Questionist also has a newsletter that you can sign up for!
(Content continues below)
My friends over at Geeks Who Drink have introduced a daily trivia game—Thrice! Existing to make daily clever trivia content accessible to a wide audience, it's a daily challenge that tries to get you to the answer via three separate clues. It has a shareable score functionality to challenge your friends and new questions every day will give you a new daily social ritual! You can find it at thricegame.com!
Are you going on the show and looking for information about how to bet in Final Jeopardy? Check out my Betting Strategy 101 page! If you want to learn how to bet in two-day finals, check out Betting Strategy 102!
Are you looking for information on how to stream Jeopardy! in 2024? Find out information here on how to stream from most places in North America!
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You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! Fan of all 17 players, now including Adriana Harmeyer, that have won 10 or more games on Jeopardy!
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Correct response: What is the Gordian Knot?
More information about Final Jeopardy:
(The following write-up is original content and is copyright 2024 The Jeopardy! Fan. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.)
According to Greek mythology, the peasant farmer Gordias became King of Phrygia after he became the first to enter the city after an oracle decreed that the next king would be the first to enter the city on an ox-cart. Gordias and his son Midas—yes, the famed “Midas touch” Midas—later tied the ox-cart to a post with a knot that was deemed impossible to untie (“several knots all so tightly entangled that it was impossible to see how they were fastened”, according to Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus).
After hearing a prophesy that whoever was to untie the knot would rule all of Asia, Alexander the Great is said “solved” the knotty problem in 333 B.C. with a brute force solution—cutting through the knot with his sword.
This feels like a relatively straightforward clue today; discounting any jokes or shoutouts, I would expect that every player attempting this clue seriously on stage will get it correct.
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Game Recap & Tonight’s Game Stats:
Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! today? Here’s the Monday, April 8, 2024 Jeopardy! by the numbers, along with a recap:
Jeopardy! Round:
(Categories: “A” To “A” Countries; Parenting; Aches & Pains; Working Hard, Hardly Working; Pop Culture Is Springing Out All Over; Slanguage)
Though Victoria got 6 correct to Amy’s 4 in the opening segment, they were both tied at $3,800 after 15 clues. Andrew sat third at $1,800.
Statistics at the first break (15 clues):
Victoria 6 correct 0 incorrect
Amy 4 correct 0 incorrect
Andrew 2 correct 0 incorrect
Today’s interviews:
Andrew would like to thank his partner & son, and his fellow contestants for baby shower gifts.
Victoria would like to thank her family and her current trivia teammates.
Amy would like to thank Marsha P. Johnson.
Amy got to the Daily Double just after the break and doubled her score; from there, Victoria had a good run to pull close, but Amy still led after 30 clues.
Statistics after the Jeopardy round:
Amy 6 correct 0 incorrect
Victoria 13 correct 0 incorrect
Andrew 6 correct 0 incorrect
Scores after the Jeopardy! Round:
Amy $8,800
Victoria $6,800
Andrew $3,000
Double Jeopardy! Round:
(Categories: Novel Title Characters; Colleges & Universities; Consonant-Vowel x3; A Secret Chord; David Played; It Pleased The Lord)
Victoria picked up 17 correct in this one, but only one of the two Daily Doubles. This allowed Amy to pull close enough to make sure Victoria didn’t have a runaway going into Final Jeopardy!
Statistics after Double Jeopardy:
Victoria 30 correct 0 incorrect
Amy 12 correct 1 incorrect
Andrew 12 correct 1 incorrect
Total number of unplayed clues this season: 0 (0 today).
Scores going into Final:
Victoria $37,600
Amy $26,000
Andrew $8,600
Everyone got Final Jeopardy correct; this means we have a Game 3 tomorrow!
Tonight’s results:
Andrew $8,600 + $8,000 = $16,600 (What is the Gordian knot?)
Amy $26,000 + $11,601 = $37,601 (What is the Gordian knot?)
Victoria $37,600 + $14,401 = $52,001 (What is the Gordian knot? Hi, Nora! <3) (1 win)
Other Miscellaneous Game Statistics:
Daily Double locations:
Amy 4400 +4400 (Victoria 3800 Andrew 1800)
2) NOVEL TITLE CHARACTERS $800 (clue #4)
Victoria 11200 +11200 (Amy 8800 Andrew 3000)
3) CONSONANT-VOWEL x3 $1600 (clue #17, $13600 left on board)
Amy 12000 +12000 (Victoria 30000 Andrew 5000)
Overall Daily Double Efficiency for this game: 300
Clue Selection by Row, Before Daily Doubles Found:
J! Round:
Amy 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 4*
Victoria 4 3 5 4 5 3
Andrew 5 5
DJ! Round:
Amy 4 5 4*
Victoria 4 3 2* 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 3
Andrew 4 5 3
Average Row of Clue Selection, Before Daily Doubles Found:
Victoria 3.24
Amy 3.58
Andrew 4.40
Unplayed clues:
J! Round: None!
DJ! Round: None!
Total Left On Board: $0
Number of clues left unrevealed this season: 0 (0.00 per episode average), 0 Daily Doubles
Game Stats:
Victoria $27,200 Coryat, 30 correct, 0 incorrect, 49.12% in first on buzzer (28/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 2 rebound opportunities)
Amy $12,000 Coryat, 12 correct, 1 incorrect, 19.30% in first on buzzer (11/57), 0/0 on rebound attempts (on 1 rebound opportunity)
Andrew $8,600 Coryat, 12 correct, 1 incorrect, 21.05% in first on buzzer (12/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 1 rebound opportunity)
Combined Coryat Score: $47,800
Lach Trash: $4,200 (on 6 Triple Stumpers)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $2,000
Lead Changes: 6
Times Tied: 2
Player Statistics:
Amy Schneider, career statistics:
1688 correct, 119 incorrect
83/101 on rebound attempts (on 227 rebound opportunities)
45.63% in first on buzzer (1556/3410)
76/90 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $246,800)
40/60 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $22,670
Victoria Groce, career statistics:
152 correct, 25 incorrect
6/7 on rebound attempts (on 18 rebound opportunities)
46.29% in first on buzzer (156/337)
7/8 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $47,500)
4/6 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $16,933
Andrew He, career statistics:
543 correct, 75 incorrect
36/42 on rebound attempts (on 98 rebound opportunities)
31.77% in first on buzzer (507/1596)
32/41 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $147,400)
14/28 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $15,186
Andy’s Thoughts:
- Chances of each player to win the JIT: Victoria 52.455% (-130), Amy 40.203% (+130), Andrew 7.342% (+1100). Chances of each length: 3 games 73.029% (-330), 4 games 26.971% (+250).
- Adam Levin still holds the record ($27,000) of highest non-leading score going into Final Jeopardy.
- Today’s box score will be linked to when posted by the show.
Final Jeopardy! wagering suggestions:
(Scores: Victoria $37,600 Amy $26,000 Andrew $8,600)
Amy: Victoria is overwhelmingly likely to cover here. Thus, she has to be wrong for you to win. Thus, bet no more than $2,800 to give yourself the best chance to do so. (Actual bet: $11,601)
Victoria: Standard cover bet over Amy is $14,401. (Actual bet: $14,401)
Andrew: Bet whatever you like; your chances of winning require Victoria overbetting. (Actual bet: $8,000)
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Contestant photo credit: jeopardy.com
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